Saturday, June 2, 2007

Invasions around the halo..
When devils rode on like music, piercing thru my soul
What is deprived??
Did it ever toll so much??
Did it cause them to brick up?
Shackles my heart wrote..
Phantom !! the searing wisps of breath adjudged..
The earth still lies silent..
Still waits for the halo to champion over..
waits for the life to make a comeback..
Did I ever live beneath the beyond...
Did the courses nvr youndered touch me
If not, what doth I pine for??
When in bliss my soil it touched..
Do those ever echo in thy ears??
or was the deferral too inconspicuous...too impervious to reach thy heart??
Must I give up then??
Faint delusions in waters that have perhaps run too long under the bridges..
Does there loom a comeback?? yet again..?
For whom does the heart pines..If not but solace..

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